Myrrh Essential Oil 

Botanical Name - (Commiphora myrrha)
Part of plant used - gum

M yrrh is invaluable in the treatment of infections and can be applied directly to the inflamed areas. This oil has been used for thousands of years to ancient Egypt where it was used to preserve the Pharaohs. It is not particularly appealing in aroma but it offers numerous medicinal remedies.

Emotional Applications

  • to be empowered and inspired
  • to be emotionally strengthened

Physical Applications

  • Cough and cold congestion - steam inhalation
  • Flatulence - massage on abdomen
  • Haemorrhoids - topical application
  • Dry cracked skin - massage
  • Mature skin - massage
  • Mouth ulcers - gargle
  • Gum problems, gingivitis, sore throats - gargle
  • Genital thrush - mix with tea tree and apply externally to the affected area


  • Do not take internally.
  • Do not use topically if you are pregnant