A growing tumour may interfere the senses and swallowing. Unfortunately, cancers of the nose area and lower throat often spread early, before symptoms are apparent. Cancers behind the mouth will usually not spread to much at first. Causes There are some risk factors associated with throat cancer. These are smoking and heavy drinking of alcohol. These cause most cancers in and around the mouth region. Another cause of cancer is the prevalence of a virus - a type of herpes virus. Also subjecting yourself to coal or other mineral dust, asbestos, and diesel fumes may further increase the chances of sustaining throat cancer. Poor oral hygiene and regular consumption of salted meats may also contribute. Traditional Treatments Provided the throat cancer is detected early enough, treatment usually will work to remove the cancer. This is provided that the cancer has not spread beyond lymph nodes by this time. There are a number of risks associated with this type of cancer, it being the area that allows the patient to speak, eat and perform other necessary purposes. The exact type of treatment usually depends on the severity of the cancer and its location. Radiation treatment is usually performed and usually cures most cancers in this area. If the cancer does not respond adequately or is too far advanced, surgery is necessary together with chemotherapy. Personal Care If radiation treatment causes discomfort try the following -
Alternative Choices You may wish to speak with your naturopath about taking anti-oxidants which have been successful in helping to fight cancerous cells. Prevention
When to seek further professional advice